Our time there was wonderful as we connected with friends and family, walked the beach, and enjoyed the 60 - 70 degree weather. We managed to fit in a craft show or 2. The one on St Armands was excellent. I couldn't get away without purchasing some art work. Like I don't have enough on the walls already! I purchased a mixed media piece done by a husband and wife team. He writes poetry and makes assemblages that have a petroglyphic quality to them. The one I purchased is "The Whirlwind Dance". I thought it was perfect for the my studio. After I get it hung I'll do a studio tour of the artwork that inspires me when I go to work.
I came back inspired to do new work. As long as I can remember the blues, greens, and tans of the sky, water, and sand I'll be able to forge ahead. Here's hoping that these pictures give you some renewal and respite from the cold and grey winter. Remember the spring will come whether in the work that is produced or the song of the first spring bird or the showing of the new grass!!!! It will come!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a beautiful spot, Judy! It was 9 degrees here this morning. I know spring is just around the corner. Thanks for the preview of colors to come!