I wanted to let everyone know that I do welcome comments on this blog. I love to hear your views and ideas in response to what I post. I also welcome dialogues between you and others that post here. As a note, I have changed my comment settings so that if you comment on a post that is older than 7 days it will be e-mailed to me for moderating. This is so that I can respond to your post. When posts are older than 7 days I often do not know that a comment has been posted. Moderating keeps me up to date. So if you don't see your posted comment right away, trust that I do and it will be posted in a day or two.
Hope everyone is having a good beginning to the New Year. I am doing my usual year end filings, record keeping, and inventory along with deciding about what shows to participate in during 2012. Have any recommendations? Where would you like to see my work in 2012?