Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another Show

Tomorrow I head off to set up for another show. I will be doing the Duxbury Art Association's Annual Crafts Showcase. This is the first time I have done this show. I visited it last year to see if it would be a place where my work would fit and be receptive. It is always a gamble doing a new show. I never know exactly what to expect from the ease of set up to the number of people attending to the number of sales to the ease of break down. It's always a new adventure, some more adventuresome, unfortunately, than others!

I am looking forward to this show for many reasons. It is close to home. It has artists I know and whose work I appreciate and admire. And it looks like a nice show with good atmosphere and energy. Oh yes there is also food!

I have listened to customers and added some hats to my line that are slightly larger in size. They too will have a small amount of elastic at the back so they can fit several head sizes. If you have tried one of my hats on before and been disappointed that it feels too snug, come visit me in Duxbury and try the new size.

The show is Saturday and Sunday, November 22 (10-5) and November 23 (11-4) at the Duxbury High School, 130 George Street in Duxbury, MA. I am booth #21.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Historic Day

What a historic day for The United States of America.! Dreams do come true. Congratulations to President Elect Barack Obama. I can't remember a time when people actually went to the streets to celebrate a candidate wining an election. President Obama, you truly are the candidate "of the people, by the people, and for the people" to quote a famous document! We as a nation have made a tremendous statement not only to ourselves in overcoming racial bias but also in showing the world that we are a nation that honors it's diversity. The eyes of the World were upon us yesterday. I have many friends in other countries and I know that they are always interested and aware of what happens in our elections. I'm hoping that we have regained their respect.

Now the hard part comes. We, the people, must realize that change is hard and doesn't happen overnight. It will take all of us talking to our congress people and doing our part to help make change happen. We have a leader who will guide but we must support. Since I am a weaver I think of it in weaving terms. In any cloth there is a warp and a weft. The warp is the lengthwise of the fabric and the strongest part of the cloth. The weft is the part that is woven back and forth interlacing with the warp to form the cloth. We the people are the warp. We make up the strength of this nation. Our hard work and steady everyday living is what makes us strong. Our new President will be the weft, interlacing ideas, hopes, policies, and new directions to produce the fabric that is America. The two must be interwoven in order to have cloth that holds together. They must guide and support each other. With out that, the cloth falls apart.

So, no matter who you voted for, as we look forward to 2009, lets all come together to make this Nation the best it can be. Let's form the most beautiful cloth the world has ever seen!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day

The day has come when we finally get to cast our vote and see who will be the next President of the United States. Will anyone really miss all the political TV ads? I know I will be happy when they are gone.

That being said I am also so thankful to live in a country where every 4 years we get to voice our opinion on who will lead this great country. Sometimes we choose well and sometimes we don't! We only hope that in 4 years the bad choice will not do too much damage and we can reverse our mistake. Then again some of us can't see the handwriting on the wall and vote the person in for another 4 years! Ah you "gotta" love this country and the people in it!

Anyway, this has been an historic election year. We've had a woman candidate who almost won the nomination. We have a black candidate who did. We have the oldest candidate ever to run for office nominated and we have an unknown "soccer mom" running for VP. Once again you "gotta" love this country! Where else in the world can you have such diversity!

Whomever you support this time around, I strongly encourage you to go to the polls and VOTE. It is your right and a right we never want to lose.

I'm headed to my polling place now. See you there!