Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Journey of an Apron

I woke up very early this morning.  Believe me that is unusual!  I am not a morning person.  I started thinking about the Habitat project and my mind began to race.  I decided to get back to writing my Morning Pages.  Those of you who have read "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron know what morning pages are.  They are the first thoughts you have when you wake up in the morning.  You write continuously until you fill up 3 pages of a notebook.  These are the thoughts that you address as soon as you wake.  You get them out there and then they do not hang over you for the rest of the day.  Sometimes it is just plain therapy to get them out there.  Sometimes it is creative inspiration to get them out there.  And sometimes it is just waking your thoughts up for the day and making lists.  

Today I made lists.  I began to think about the process of working with these aprons. My list went like this:

1. Draw out design.
2.Wash all aprons.
3. Deconstruct aprons.
4. Possibly dye some of the aprons or use fabric markers, fabric crayons, and/or Shiva paint sticks.  Play with these ideas.
5. Cut aprons into strips.

And that's as far as I went today.  I'm sure there will be more steps but this is as far as my thought process went today.  It's a beginning.

This listing the process helps me organize what needs to be done and begin to alot the time needed. This is the first part of the journey.

When you have a project you are working on, what is your process?  Do you make lists?  Do you organize your thoughts and work time in any special way? Or do you just plunge in and hope for the best? I'd love to hear how others begin their creative journey.  I welcome you to pass this post on and share your thoughts in the comment section.

Here are a few more pictures of aprons that have come in:

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